1 Crore Chit Group Scheme (20 Month)

Nagashiva Fixed Chit Group

Sr. No. & No. of Months Chit Amount Monthly Installment
Commission + Total
Max Bidding Net Prized Amount Insurance
( 18 + 40 / 41 + 58 ) Age
1 10000000 500000+30000=530000 0(0%) 10000000 0
2 10000000 500000+30000=530000 3500000(35%) 6500000 70000 / 80000
3 10000000 500000+30000=530000 3350000(33.5%) 6650000 70000 / 80000
4 10000000 500000+30000=530000 3200000(32%) 6800000 70000 / 80000
5 10000000 500000+30000=530000 3050000(30.5%) 6950000 70000 / 80000
6 10000000 500000+30000=530000 2800000(28%) 7200000 70000 / 80000
7 10000000 500000+30000=530000 2650000(26.5%) 7350000 70000 / 80000
8 10000000 500000+30000=530000 2500000(25%) 7500000 70000 / 80000
9 10000000 500000+30000=530000 2350000(23.5%) 7650000 70000 / 80000
10 10000000 500000+30000=530000 2200000(22%) 7800000 70000 / 80000
11 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1950000(19.5%) 8050000 70000 / 80000
12 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1800000(18%) 8200000 70000 / 80000
13 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1650000(16.5%) 8350000 70000 / 80000
14 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1500000(15%) 8500000 70000 / 80000
15 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1350000(13.5%) 8650000 0
16 10000000 500000+30000=530000 1100000(11%) 8900000 0
17 10000000 500000+30000=530000 950000(9.5%) 9050000 0
18 10000000 500000+30000=530000 800000(8%) 9200000 0
19 10000000 500000+30000=530000 650000(6.5%) 9350000 0
20 10000000 500000+30000=530000 0(0%) 10000000 0

1 . 100% transparent company. Nagasiva Company provides the persons in the chit group with the registered details of all members of the group online and offline before starting the auction.

2 . The first month's installment must be paid in full for government registration. From the second month onwards the chit installment is to be paid after deducting the discount received from the auction

3 . Subscribers can view group auction report for 30 days.You can upload online and offline for 30 days to register the auction

4 . Chit group members compulsory need to insure the chit loan amount so that heirs future of guarantors and members do not any difficulty.

5 . Insurance of 1% of the chit value is compulsory for chit borrowers within 10 months. Taking insurance for chit loan borrowers of more than 10 months is at the customer's option and when joining the group If taking insurance 25% discountĀ onĀ insurance.

6 . Insurance member does not have to pay the remaining monthly installments in case of accidental or natural death

7 . members joining Chit group should not have civil score and if civil score If there is should be at least 750.

8 . If a member of the group leaves the group in half then deduct 6% company commission on the chit value, the remaining amount can be received only at the end of the group.

9 . Rs 150 CASH BACK will be given to those who pay installments online or in person on the date of chit auction.

Call For More Information : 8600088880 /8600000108/ 8698888108 / 04544291980
Time : 9:00am To 6:00pm


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